Animated basketball bouncing up and down.
An animated palm tree with a basketball hoop attached. A basketball is being thrown through the hoop from outside the frame.


Take your business to the next level with our premium, tailored strategy services. Whether your goal is growth, optimal market positioning, moving into new markets or categories, or simply unlocking potential within your existing business framework, we provide bespoke strategic direction and the experience and connections to get you there.

  • High level strategic planning for all business types and sizes

  • Collaborations and partnerships

  • Apparel and merch specialists (wholesale and retail) with unrivalled industry insight

  • Operational guidance including sales planning, sales operations, team management, optimal warehouse setup including launch and relocation, product development, production and supply chain support, logistics, freight, customer service systems and staff hiring/retention strategies

  • Connecting you with other specialists (designers, content creators, social media experts etc) to bring your vision to life

An animated turtle wearing sunglasses is walking along happily. Periodically he pops his head back into his shell, then emerges and continues to walk.


If the industry feels a bit daunting and you don’t know where to start, we can break it down for you and get the right people in the conversation. Our extensive network of contacts includes creatives, garment suppliers, printers, hospo venues, beverage companies, financial advisors, marketing specialists, event managers and many more. We also facilitate epic collaborations within our trusted network of clients, suppliers and friends.

Animated skateboard doing a kickflip


Our brand elevation service is a tailored and scalable approach to advancing your business. We are passionate about taking great ideas and building them into successful businesses. With our combination of industry connections, strategic thinking and proven results, we can help you shoot for the stars in a measured, structured and sustainable way.

Animated dolphin bouncing a basketball on it's nose. The dolphin has a heart shaped tattoo on it's flipper.


Zeb’s talent, business acumen and unparalleled experience in the apparel and merch world make him a priceless addition to your team in a coaching or mentoring capacity. Zeb has a refreshingly candid approach to business which resonates with those clients who like to cut through the bs to truly shift the dial. Zeb is also available for speaking engagements.

A drone picture of a set of waves coming into a rocky beach with a bush covered headland to the right.. Surfers in the water paddling and catching waves.